Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson has welcomed a new inquiry into community safety and crime in regional NSW.
Mr Anderson said the inquiry would investigate the drivers of youth crime in the regions and actions the NSW Government can take to improve community safety.
"Our community has a right to feel safe in our homes and a recent rise in youth crime has taken that right away from many in our community,” Mr Anderson said.
“It’s important that the government understands what is causing this rise in crime, which is why the NSW Nationals have been calling for an inquiry into crime in regional NSW.
“The government has now acknowledged the issue and established an inquiry into community safety in the regions.
“The inquiry will examine the root causes of youth crime, recidivism rates, as well as wraparound and diversionary services available for young people and their families.
“The inquiry will also look at workforce issues for our police, and how they can better support our NSW Police officers.
“I believe the inquiry must visit our region to hear firsthand from communities who have been experiencing frightening home invasions, rising levels of violence, and stolen vehicles and valuables.
“They must come to Tamworth and Gunnedah and have written to the committee urging them to come to our region and hear our stories.
“Only then will they gain a true understanding of what is happening in our communities.”
The Committee is accepting public submissions until 31 May 2024. To read the inquiry's terms of reference, and to make a submission, please visit the Committee's webpage.