More courts up in lights in Gunnedah Tennis Club

When the sun sets, the tennis players come out to play thanks to Gunnedah Tennis Club’s lighting upgrade project, made possible by a grant of $68,470 from Round Four of the NSW Government’s Stronger Country Communities Fund.

Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson joined Acting Club President Sophie Carter and Immediate Past President Robert While to see the progress on the installation of the new lights on court three at Wolseley Park.

“Gunnedah Tennis club has a great history, hosting players from across the North West as well as regular tournaments for its more than 200 members,” Mr Anderson said.

“The Gunnedah Tennis Club and all of its facilities are so important to the town. It’s a place to get some exercise, a place to enjoy a social game, and the clubhouse can host important community events.

“Gunnedah also breeds some great young talents with young players always performing well at the NSW Country Championships.

“The installation of these new lights is welcome news for tennis players in Gunnedah and the region. The days of the dim, halogen globe are behind us, replaced by the more energy efficient, brighter LED.”

Immediate past President Robert White thanked the NSW Government for providing the grant, which he hoped would boost club membership after numbers dropped over the pandemic.

“Gunnedah continues to be a pretty handy tennis town, its numbers are slipping like all sporting clubs, but we still need to have lights at night because we play at night,” Mr White said.

“The old halogen globes were starting to fade, pretty badly actually because they went in about 25 years ago. With the assistance of the Federal Government and the State Government, we’ve made it a reality.”

Photo: Kevin Anderson, Acting President Sophie Carter and immediate past President Robert White

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