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Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson MP is calling for volunteers to fill vacant board positions at Yallambee Homes for the Aged in Gunnedah.

“Yallambee consists of 10 self-care units and 14 rooms providing much-needed accommodation for older residents who require lower-cost accommodation in Gunnedah,” Mr Anderson said.

“The organisation has been operating as a not-for-profit since the 1960’s, relying on the hard work of volunteers who give up their time to manage the property through management arrangements with Crown Lands, providing essential accommodation for older residents in need.

“Unfortunately, Yallambee has found itself in the position of needing to fill five vacant board positions following a spate of resignations in recent times.

“As with any not-for-profit organisation, it can be difficult to find volunteers to fill those positions which is why I’m putting the call out to locals to put their hand up and volunteer.

“It was good to see that an information session in Gunnedah last week attracted 20 locals who were keen to learn more about volunteering at Yallambee.

“There is a strong push for Yallamee Homes to stay in public hands under the current arrangements. I am confident that coming out of these meetings, we will find the committed volunteers we need to keep Yallambee running.”

Applications for board positions are open until the 31st of July.

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